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     AFGE, Local 3937 - Local Membership Meeting

    May 8th, 2024

    Conference Call

    Present were:  John Pfannenstein, Chet Savage, Tonya Boren, Rene Barnes, Patti Mansbach, Michael Welcher, John Mahoney, Brian Batchelor, Denise Lamphere, Joseph Otterbine, Chitra Ahuja, Kasey Benson, Jackie Walton, Janice Couoh and Laura Novakoski.

    The meeting was held via Zoom conference call with dial-in information posted to the Members section of our Local website.  The meeting was called to order at 5:35pm, chaired by John Pfannenstein, Local President.


    • Treasurer’s Report
    • Old Business
    • New Business
    • Reports
    • Minutes review

    Treasurer’s Report:

    Jackie provided current balances of $93,196 in the checking account, $177,321 in the savings account. She reported that the Local audit committee will be meeting next week to review and finalize last year’s budget and expenditures.

    Old Business:


    New Business:

    This month, Commissioner of Social Security (COSS) Martin O’Malley has announced, to coincide with Public Service Appreciation Week, a 3-hour administrative leave block to be granted this Friday and another 3 hours two weeks later.  We also now have instructions on how to apply this leave for those already on approved personal leave, on their CWS-off or off-tour day, and at TSCs.  The 1-800# line will be closed 3 hours early Eastern Standard Time (EST), so those in later time zones, if their shift has not ended, will be offered the option to move to an earlier shift or work with management on what work can be done off the phones until the end of shift.  We had suggestions for management, of course, including desk time, voluntary training or study time.  Appointments already scheduled during those afternoons may be called early, or be rescheduled.  As always, employees should make a reasonable effort to be flexible and to comply with the arrangements needed to make this work, but cannot move mountains and it should not be a source of additional stress.  Many other agencies have a tradition of offering administrative leave but not SSA, not until now; we hope this is part of a path to new beginnings with this agency.

    The AFGE National triennial convention is taking place in August in Las Vegas, NV.  We have been authorized around 4 to 6 delegates in the past, due to our membership size.  There are 5 Local officers who are delegates by virtue of office, and 2 elected non-officer delegates.  Registration has not yet been announced, but in the past, it was $350 per delegate for this 5-day convention.  Laura made a motion that the Local fund up to 3 participants (to include LWOP, travel, lodging, miscellaneous/incidental expenses and registration, with the option of attendance at the Women’s Breakfast), at a cost not to exceed $15,000; Denise seconded.  If we are allowed more delegate positions than we have voted to fund, there would be an option for other elected delegates to attend at their own expense and time. 

    This convention is every Local’s opportunity to participate in the democratic process to elect our national leadership, and our Local carries a substantial vote share.  All decisions made at these meetings are made by the body, and we carry your votes and opinions to our leadership.  These are the folks who manage our dues money and give it power.  Motion passed, with no nays or abstentions.


    Budget – We expect to see a $100 million increase for the remainder of FY24, which is not very much more than FY23.  Based on information Council 220 got from the Deputy Commissioner of Operations (DCO), we expect about 2,840 FO hires with our current budget for this fiscal year.  There should be around 260 TSC hires in June, and around 1,290 in August (454 to FOs, 645 to TSCs, and 100 to WSUs).  In October, there should be another 1,290 new hires with a similar component split.

    DCO has made it clear they want to target those hires to offices that have the best performance, allocated and decided by region.  COSS O’Malley predicts a loss or attrition of about 4,500 from retirements, resignations, etc.  The end result of all this math means about 800 MORE TSC employees next fiscal year, and a LOSS of about 1,010 employees in FOs compared to FY23.  The TSC is getting a lot of attention because they have a 22% attrition rate.

    As a Union, we will continue to strongly advocate for more funding and more staffing, but even the President’s proposed budget follows these lines.  We need to have a training model in place and ready for these new hires to support them; you may have seen O’Malley’s video message that came out today. This aligns with what we have told the Agency in meetings – trainees need real-time, one-on-one access to mentors so that we can retain them.

    Open Floor / Miscellaneous:

    We had a Q&A session on issues that members brought up during open discussion.

    Minutes Review:

    Laura made a motion that we accept the minutes as written and read; Rene seconded. Motion passed with one abstention.

    You can stay informed about topics like these and much more by going to www.afge.org to sign up for Action Alerts to be sent via text or email so that you are informed of current legislative and political events – please do so on your personal computer or phone, not on duty time or on Agency equipment.

    Jackie moved to adjourn; Rene seconded.  Motion passed.  The meeting ended at 6:20pm.

    Minutes written and submitted by Laura Novakoski.

  • AFGE Local 3937

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