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  • Nov 2018
    Mar 14, 2019

    AFGE, Local 3937

    Local Business Meeting  -  November 14, 2018  

    ATSC, Auburn, WA

    Present were: Melanie Broady, Laura Novakoski, John Pfannenstein, Steffen Pleiness, Jackie Walton, Ray Ulrich, Jacob Marrero Torres and Tammy Crowder.

    The meeting was called to order at 6:00pm, chaired by Melanie Broady, Local President.


    • Treasurer’s Report
    • Old Business
    • New Business
    • Reports
    • Minutes review

    We would like to welcome two newly appointed officers to the Local: Steffen Pleiness as 2nd Vice President, and Jackie Walton as Treasurer. 

    Treasurer’s Report:

    Tammy Peebles resigned from the Agency recently, and at today’s Executive Board meeting we swore in Jackie Walton as our new Treasurer.  We reviewed funds used through mid-October: our 2018 budget was $102,500, and we spent only 42% or $43,068 (within budget on every category and substantially under in others). 

    At tonight’s meeting, we need to approve a new Local budget for fiscal year 2019. 

    Budget:                         2017 Allocation             2018 Allocation             2019 Allocation

    General Overhead                     $20,500            $18,500                        $10,000

    Union Administration                $18,500            $17,000                        $15,000

    Representation                          $15,000            $18,500                        $20,000

    Legislative/Political                   $15,000            $15,000                        $15,000

    Officer                                      $30,000            $30,000                        $30,000

    Employee                                 $2,500              $2,500                          $1,500

    Contributions/Gifts                    $1,000              $1,000                          $500

    Total                                        $102,500          $102,500                      $92,000

    2017 and 2018 allocations are included here just for comparison purposes.  We’ve tightened up our spending wherever possible, and routinely haven’t come close to the prior annual totals allocated.  We’ve made great strides in being fiscally conservative – among them, holding more of our meetings in Auburn rather than Seattle.  There were presidential Executive Orders in effect for about 2 months in summer 2018 that affected us for even longer, limiting our time and activities, and we had additional expenses related to moving our stored records and due to the triennial AFGE National Convention in August.  Some of our focal issues for the coming year include an investment in organizing visits to offices (to gain new members), and in our intern program to continue our commitment to succession planning for potential future Executive Board officers.

    Laura made a motion that the Local approve the budget as noted above; Jackie seconded.  After discussion, motion passed. 

    Old Business:


    New Business:

    We’ve had to deal with multiple Treasurer changes over the past year or so, and we realized that it makes more sense to have a professional accountant handle some of the more complex tasks related to taxes and wages.  We pay around $400 annually just for a QuickBooks program that handles wages, but we were recommended an accountant who will track W2s and do all payroll for up to 5 employees, with a cost of only $85/quarter and $55/hour (maximum about 3 hours) to file our annual report to the IRS.  We estimate this cost would not exceed $700 annually – and she would manage these complicated matters.  We have had some noncompliance issues and had erroneously processed some of our state taxes, which was very stressful for a new Treasurer.  We would like the Treasurer to be able to concentrate more on our other internal financial issues, like managing membership lists, bonuses and rebates, receiving and paying all our dues and per capita expenses (to National and Councils), and all monthly bills activities; and officer duties.

    Melanie made a motion that the Local hire an outside professional accountant at a cost not to exceed  $1000 per year; so that when we may have officer changes or training transitions, we don’t run afoul of federal or state laws.  Jackie seconded.  After discussion, motion passed.

    Our Legislative Coordinator in Alaska, Monica Rogers, would like to participate in events there.  For her to do that, we need to join the Alaska Alliance for Retired Americans so she can represent us with them – they charge a small amount of dues per AFGE member in that state.  She does a lot of work and community education bringing AFGE and Social Security issues to the constituents in her area.  Melanie made a motion that Local 3937 affiliate with the Alaska ARA at a cost not to exceed $25/month; John seconded.  Motion passed.

    The AFGE Legislative Conference is coming up in 2019, probably in February.  This conference takes place annually, and provides an opportunity for us to speak face to face with our legislators and their staff.  It’s particularly important as there are many hot topics concerning Social Security, Medicare, and contract bargaining this year; and we have many new House and Senate representatives after the recent midterm elections.  John made a motion that we send up to 4 delegates to the Legislative Conference in Washington, D.C. at a cost not to exceed $10,000; Ray seconded.  After discussion, motion passed.


    Melanie reviewed the ongoing Contract bargaining that is pending at the national level, and its main topics of contention and challenges: telework, vision program, union Official Time and performance plans.  Please respond to our emails and vote if needed. 

    Council 220’s election for President that was held at this year’s AFGE National Convention was appealed due to a challenge; AFGE National approved a run-off election that will be held sometime in January 2019.

    Minutes review:

    After the minutes were read, Tammy made a motion that we accept the minutes as written and amended; John seconded.  Motion passed.

    John moved to adjourn; Steffen seconded.  Motion passed. 

    Minutes written and submitted by Laura Novakoski, Secretary.

  • AFGE Local 3937

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