Jan 2019 |
AFGE, Local 3937 Local Business Meeting January 9, 2019 Columbia Tower, Seattle WA Present were: Melanie Broady, Cassandra Butler, John Pfannenstein, Laura Novakoski, Steffen Pleiness, Jackie Walton, Dina Lovenstein, Nicole Carrier-Theulen. The meeting was called to order at 5:00pm, chaired by Melanie Broady, Local President. Agenda:
Treasurer’s Report: Jacqueline Walton was sworn in as our new Treasurer on 11/14/18 and has been catching up on training and preparing our budget. At the next Local Business Meeting she’ll have monthly reports for the time she’s been in office. We are making good progress auditing member lists, so that we are only paying per capita dues for current members. Our biweekly dues may increase effective each January, but we’ve deferred revising our dues for 2019 pending a federal legislative decision about any COLA increase. We would also increase dues by half of any AFGE National per capita increase, but none was voted in at the 2018 convention so there is no change this year. Old Business: None. New Business: At our November Executive Board meeting, Steffen Pleiness (of the ATSC) was also sworn in as an officer in the 2nd Vice-President position. One of our local representatives, Chanan Suarez, contacted us to request that we support his candidacy for Bellingham City Council. The request reached us just prior to tonight’s meeting, so we will reach out to him for more information and discuss at our next Local Meeting. At our November Local Business Meeting, we had passed a motion to send up to 4 people to the legislative conference, at an amount not to exceed $10,000. However, we’d like to provide an opportunity for shadowing and training for this event, and our Anchorage local rep is interested and was selected for our intern program this year. John made a motion that the Local fund up to 5 people at a cost not to exceed $12,000 to include all approved travel, incidental and registration costs to February’s Legislative Conference in Washington D.C.; Jackie seconded. Motion passed. Reports: Melanie reports that in their recent election, Larry Brown won the position of President for the Washington State Labor Council, prevailing over Lynn Dodson. Former AFGE Local 3937 President Steve Kofahl is now a delegate for the Snohomish County Central Labor Council. Local 3937 stands in solidarity with our brothers and sisters at federal agencies affected by the continuing partial government shutdown. We encourage our members to contact their legislators from home on personal time, to let them know how you feel about the current administration’s use of government employees as hostages in their budget and immigration negotiations. Nicole made a motion that we accept the minutes as written and read; Steffen seconded. Motion passed. Laura moved to adjourn; Dina seconded. Motion passed. Minutes written and submitted by Laura Novakoski, Secretary. |