Sept 2014 |
AFGE, Local 3937 Local Business Meeting September 10, 2014 Labor Temple, Seattle WA Present were: Carrie Kitchin-Kofahl, Laura Novakoski, Ana Rivers, Ivan Weich, Susan Campbell and Tim Roark. The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm. Agenda:
Treasurer’s Report: There is no Treasurer’s report for tonight as she is not present. Old Business: None. New Business: None. Reports: The Marion-Polk-Yamhill Central Labor Council, as discussed in our last meeting, did hold a Labor Day picnic. There was good food, decent speeches, and everyone had a good time. We had voted to contribute $50 to the Oregon Strong Voice movie showing and barbecue. It is sponsored by the AFL-CIO to help unions connect with other community-based groups to further progressive agendas, such as feeding the homeless. They ended up with sufficient donations, so our check was not needed after all. Washington State Labor Council: Ivan reports that Resolution #2 about the closure of SSA offices passed unanimously. They have no Legislative & Political Director now and that position won’t be filled until January. They are focusing on upcoming statewide elections as their big issue now. He submitted the names of two of Local 3937’s members who passed away this year, for a WSLC workers memorial ceremony (Jim Bolin and Marian Brennan). In April, Ivan and Steve were asked if our Local would sign a letter of support for UFCW Local 21 that represents employees at Harrison Hospital in Bremerton, which is being taken over by Franciscan Medical Group. The new owners did not want to sign a contract that protected workers’ rights and grievance procedures. They had a rally and picnic and we were one of the organizations given a poster that was signed by all their members to thank their supporters. HRT Conferences: Ana attended the AFGE Y.O.U.N.G, Pride, and Human Rights Training conferences in Minnesota last month. She gained a lot of good information that she will use to improve her service to the Local. She attended a week-long class for new leaders that talked about how to run a good Local and uphold bargaining unit employees’ rights. She met many new people and made sure to tell them that she has received great mentoring from the other Executive Board Officers in our Local; she also shared with them the challenges we face due to Vision 2025. They participated in an anti-Vision 2025 rally at the Minneapolis SSA office. Organizing to increase membership was the big push throughout the whole conference. She attended an EEO class during the Pride conference where she learned a lot about transgender, gay and lesbian issues. Minutes review: Tim made a motion that this evening’s LBM minutes be approved as read and amended; Ivan seconded. Motion passed. Laura moved to adjourn at 7:15pm. Motion passed. Minutes written and submitted by Laura Novakoski, Secretary. |