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  • Sep 2016
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    AFGE, Local 3937

    Local Business Meeting

    September 14, 2016  

    Labor Temple, Seattle WA

    Present were: Steve Kofahl, Carrie Kitchin-Kofahl, Laura Novakoski, Ivan Weich, Tim Roark, John Pfannenstein, Cassandra Butler, James Paxton, Cinthia Diaz, Ana Rivers, Ben Konrady and Quiana Thornton.

    The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm.


    • New Business
      • Elections Committee
    • Treasurer’s Report
    • Old Business
    • Reports
    • Minutes review

    New Business:

    Election / Nominations:

    Carrie made a motion that we suspend business to receive nominations and a report from the Election Committee (EC); Laura seconded.  Motion passed.  Ben Konrady, from the Everett FO, and Quiana Thornton, from the ATSC, took over this part of the meeting as members of our Election Committee.  Steffen Pleiness (ATSC) also serves on the committee but is not present tonight.  We previously sent a mailed notification to all members for nominations, and our Post Office box in Lynnwood for elections business held 25 envelopes tonight as of 4:55pm.  We had 23 undeliverables/returned mail.  Ben opened the 2 nominations here and found them to be valid. 

    Mailed nominations:

    1. Carrie Kitchin-Kofahl – nomination for Local President Ana Rivers, Executive Vice President Melanie Broady, 1st Vice President and Regional Vice President for OQR C224 Cassandra Butler, 2nd Vice President John Pfannenstein, 3rd Vice President Cinthia Diaz, Treasurer James Paxton, Secretary Laura Novakoski, Sergeant at Arms Ivan Weich.  For delegates to the Local: Steve Kofahl, Carolyn (Carrie) Kitchin-Kofahl, Andrea Wassner, and Monica Rodgers.
    2. Carrie Kitchin-Kofahl – nomination of Timothy Roark as delegate.
    3. Email from Leri Harper to EC member Ben Konrady dated 9/14/16 – self-nomination for delegate.  This doesn’t meet DOL election criteria and thus is not valid.

    Nominations from the floor:

    Carrie Kitchin-Kofahl – nominated Leri Harper for delegate.  Her self-nomination by email qualifies as retroactive acceptance.

    The Election Committee, using the Secretary’s most recent membership list sent by the Agency, confirmed that the nominator and all those nominated are members in good standing, including retirees Steve Kofahl, Carrie Kitchin-Kofahl, Monica Rodgers and Ivan Weich.

    2 additional calls were made for more nominations from the floor and then Laura made a motion for nominations from the floor to be closed by the EC, and for all uncontested nominees who accept the nomination to be elected by acclamation; Carrie seconded. 

    All nominees present accepted their nominations (Ana Rivers, Melanie Broady via email dated 9/10/16, Cassandra Butler, John Pfannenstein, Cinthia Diaz, James Paxton, Laura Novakoski, Ivan Weich, Steve Kofahl, Carolyn (Carrie) Kitchin-Kofahl and Timothy Roark).  The EC will contact Andrea Wassner and Monica Rodgers for acceptance.

    Self-nominees do not need to be contacted.  Motion passed.  Ben announced that all non-contested nominees (all but the 5 Local Delegate nominees) are considered to be elected by this body by acclamation.  Officers will be sworn in at our January Executive Board Meeting.  Because all candidates accept, the printed ballot will consist of Local Delegate positions only, and suggested By Law changes.

    We thanked the Election Committee for giving their time and energy to help us through this process.

    Treasurer’s Report:

    The Treasurer is not present at today’s meeting.

    Old Business: 


    New Business:

    Ivan made a motion that we gift the laptops currently held by Steve Kofahl and Carrie Kitchin-Kofahl to them, given that those devices are obsolete and now have zero value; John seconded.  They were purchased over 7 years ago and would no longer be of use to the Local.  Tim assumed the Chair to conduct the vote regarding Local President.  Motion passed.

    Carrie made a motion that the Local pay for ½ of a table (4 seats) plus $100 donation to the Washington State Alliance for Retired Americans (WASARA) fundraiser dinner at a total cost not to exceed $300; Tim seconded.  This organization shares a lot of our interests, and wants to help Social Security maintain and expand benefits, which will help the public and our own employees.  The dinner is to be held 10/29/16 from 6-8pm at the IBEW Union Hall.



    John made a motion that this evening’s LBM minutes be approved as amended; Cinthia seconded.  Motion passed. 

    John moved to adjourn at 7:42pm; Cassandra seconded.  Motion passed.

    Minutes written and submitted by Laura Novakoski, Secretary.


  • AFGE Local 3937

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