Jan 2016 |
AFGE, Local 3937 Local Business Meeting Labor Temple, Seattle WA Present were: Steve Kofahl, Carrie Kitchin-Kofahl, Laura Novakoski, Ana Rivers, Ivan Weich, Tim Roark, Ardeth Bolin, John Pfannenstein, Cinthia Diaz, Melanie Broady, Cassandra Butler and James Paxton. The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm. Agenda:
Treasurer’s Report: Ardeth handed out monthly reports for 2015 for our review. We’ve been severely deficit spending this year, going from around $202,000 down to $139,000 by the end of the year. The triennial AFGE national convention and the LWOP for all officers who attended, and the inclusion of more interns attending our Seattle meetings contributed to the greater use of funds in 2015. As always, we didn’t exceed our total budget for the year, using only 85.7%; although we went over in some individual categories (this was addressed at our November meeting). Ardeth notified HR of the dues increase to $14.05 effective 1/10/16 based on the cost of living increase this year. Old Business: None. New Business: Ivan made a motion that we approve the 2016 budget based on documentation provided by the Treasurer at our November meeting; Melanie seconded. Since we did not create or roll over a 2016 budget from the current year at our November LBM, we are now rolling over in essence the same numbers and category allocations from the prior year (2015). At the November Executive Board meeting we adjusted monies within categories by increasing the General Overhead, and moving $5,000 from Union Administration to our General Overhead budget allocation for 2015, increasing that to $25,500; and decreasing Union Administration to $13,500. Total budget in all categories is $102,500.00. Motion passed. Ardeth made a motion that we reaffiliate with our Central Labor Councils; Laura seconded. We pay dues based on the membership in that local area – it could be around $.25 per member or some other nominal amount. For example, our Legislative Coordinator in Anchorage participates in that CLC, and we have other elected delegates to their local CLCs in other areas. Some of the smaller CLCs have already or will soon experience structural changes to become chapters of the AFL-CIO. The delegates are nominated and elected in the same election cycle as our Executive Board officers every 3 years. We commonly inform them and bring our AFGE and SSA issues to their attention for developing relationships and for legislative support. Motion passed. Tim made a motion that we authorize Steve Kofahl to attend the Alliance for Retired Americans (ARA) Western Regional Conference in Las Vegas in March 2016 at a cost not to exceed $1200.00; Carrie seconded. It is the AFL-CIO’s retiree organization and they help us in our work to protect, improve and increase benefits for Social Security, Medicare and service delivery. Reports: Ivan reports that in Workers Compensation issues, we are seeing improvement and more successes in claims. Under his direction, our Local is headed on the right path in regards to Workers Comp representation. Today we welcome our newest 2016 Local intern, James Paxton, who works in the Spokane Field Office as a Service Representative. He joins our 2015 interns, who are serving their second year with our program and gaining valuable representational experience. Minutes review: Tim made a motion that this evening’s LBM minutes be approved as written; John seconded. Motion passed. Laura moved to adjourn at 8:00pm; John seconded. Motion passed. Minutes written and submitted by Laura Novakoski, Secretary. |