Sept 2019 |
AFGE, Local 3937 - Local Business Meeting September 11, 2019 ATSC, Auburn WA Present were: Melanie Broady, Cassandra Butler, John Pfannenstein, Jackie Walton, Laura Novakoski, Steffen Pleiness, Daniel Statler and Christopher Shelton. The meeting was called to order at 5:00pm, chaired by Melanie Broady, Local President. Agenda:
Treasurer’s Report: We currently have $41,720 in checking and $40,037 in savings. We are still owed over $21,000 from AFGE National in dues overages that we requested in 2018; they allege that payment is forthcoming soon. Old Business: We decided in a previous meeting to have local representative T-shirts designed. They’ve been made and are now ready for delivery, so we’ll get them to our reps in the next month or so. As discussed in our March meeting, Andrea Wassner attended the Idaho AFL-CIO and Idaho Alliance for Retired Americans (ARA) conventions in June and has submitted the expense voucher. We realized that we had failed in our original motion to include approval to fund her lodging costs for the 4-day event, so John made a motion tonight that the Local pay the hotel costs up to $350; Laura seconded. The total cost is still within the $1500 amount originally approved in March. Motion passed. New Business: The Election Committee for the upcoming 3-year term for the Local may still need one or more members, so please contact if you might be interested. Reports: In August, John and Melanie attended Rep Adam Smith’s (WA) roundtable about labor issues in Renton, WA. It was an opportunity for us to bring up concerns about our contract. He often supports labor, and was one of over 200 co-signers on Congressman Jamie Raskin’s (MD) letter that urges their leaders to protect federal workers’ bargaining rights. In September, Melanie and Grant Schott (AFGE Legislative and Political Organizer) attended a Future of Organizing roundtable event in Seattle held by Rep Pramila Jayapal (WA), with visiting Rep Andy Levin (MI). They discussed how funding can affect organizing and who controls the conversation (e.g. payroll dues deduction procedure), and the challenges we face with a large and diverse Local. We need to not only grow membership, but to communicate to our members that we need them to step up and be much more active, not to just rely on “the union” taking action on their behalf. Rep Jayapal has unfailingly supported our employees’ concerns and labor rights in general, and is one of the leaders of the Medicare for All movement. It would be reasonable and to our benefit to support her as well. Melanie made a motion that we endorse Pramila Jayapal in her upcoming election; John seconded. Cassandra stepped into chair to manage the motion, and it passed. Laura made a motion that we accept the minutes as written and read; Jackie seconded. Motion passed. John moved to adjourn; Laura seconded. Motion passed. Minutes written and submitted by Laura Novakoski, Secretary. |