May 2018 |
AFGE, Local 3937 Local Business Meeting May 9, 2018 ATSC, Auburn, WA Present were: Melanie Broady, Laura Novakoski, John Pfannenstein, Ivan Weich, Tammy Peebles, Corina Smith and Steffen Pleiness. The meeting was called to order at 5:05pm, chaired by Melanie Broady, Local President. Agenda:
Treasurer’s Report: Our 2017 taxes and AFGE national reports have been filed. We currently have about $62,000 in our account. We are preparing to send delegates to the AFGE National Convention this August and have completed planning and registration to make sure our Local is represented and our issues are heard. Old Business: None. New Business: We would like to welcome our newly appointed 2nd Vice President, Corina Smith, to the Local. She joined SSA at the ATSC in 2016, returning to the workforce after raising family. We selected her as a Local intern for 2018, and her energy and passion for protecting employees and labor rights made her a perfect fit for us. AFGE strongly opposes the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) amendment totaling $143.5 billion in cuts to wages and benefits; including a pay freeze, changes in federal retirement calculations, in the TSP G fund, in cost-of-living and in FERS contributions. We need your voice! To learn more about this and other future legislative actions that could affect you, be sure to use your personal email to sign up at for updates. Two of our officers, John Pfannenstein and Ivan Weich, and retired member and former Local President Steve Kofahl will be attending the WSLC Committee on Political Education (COPE) convention on May 19th in Seattle. They expect to hear about political candidates for various offices and their positions on issues relevant to labor. Reports: Melanie, in her role as Regional Vice President for Council 220, recently attended their caucus in Chicago with Cassandra Butler, EVP, as her guest, where they had the opportunity to discuss Social Security issues facing our region. Nancy Berryhill, former Acting Commissioner, was there and she was faced with intense questions about why she chose to close a Social Security field office in a predominantly Hispanic community (as well as others), the increase we’re seeing in anomalous and fraudulent claims, and the plan for how we might improve our IT infrastructure. John made a motion that we accept the minutes as written and read; Ivan seconded. Motion passed. Ivan moved to adjourn; John seconded. Motion passed. Minutes written and submitted by Laura Novakoski, Secretary. |